There's definitely been a change in our relationship to our underwear - not just in what we wear, but in how we wear it. Calvin Klein "raised underwear to another level and added sex." His models looked proud in their underwear, not dorky. Today, guys show as much of their shorts as the laws of physics allow. How do they keep their pants up when they're so low, anyway?

"I've met people who didn't even know there was a Calvin Klein; they thought it was just the name of a product." - Calvin Klein

"Underwear is important to people; there are underwear freaks who just can't wait to show off what they're wearing." - Calvin Klein

"It's fun seeing my label on someone's behind - I like that." - Calvin Klein
Mark Wahlberg was once asked why he had quit producing ads for Calvin Klein underwear. "It was good for a while," he replied, "but eventually I got sick of people looking at my crotch and asking, 'Hey, what comes between you and those Calvins, underwear boy?'"
Mark Wahlberg was once asked why he had quit producing ads for Calvin Klein underwear. "It was good for a while," he replied, "but eventually I got sick of people looking at my crotch and asking, 'Hey, what comes between you and those Calvins, underwear boy?'"
great post! wow, almost all of these pics are new personal favorites! thanks.
Thanks! Do keep coming for more...
i think my seat is wet.
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